Sunday, January 31, 2010

The weekend is almost over and a new treatment week is about to begin.

Mom continues to be in good spirits although she has not been able to eat much. She has been supplementing her diet with the feeding tube because foods with any kind of spice just will not work for her any more. The doctors tell her this is normal especially because of the radiation. It is still disappointing to have a meal that looks and smells so good and not be able to get any of it down. Taking the food through the feeding tube just takes so long. Basically it takes 2 hours per can and she should be having 6 cans / day. If she takes it at night like they suggest, she's not supposed to lay down so she doesn't feel like she gets a full night's rest. To take it during the day, she's somewhat tethered and it limits her activities. So, she resorts to doing half and half. Of course all is done without complaint. She just does what needs to be done.
Her energy level seems to stay up. I was worried about this past weeks since she had her big dose of chemo last Monday, but she took it in stride. My dad started feeling like he was getting sick so she spent Friday night at Kim's. I think it's mostly the air quality here (the inversion) that gives us all sore throats and wear's down people's resistance. We got an air filter for their room to help alleviate some of it. Yesterday she was feeling well enough to go to another basketball game and then watched a movie at home.
Today dad and mom gave their mission home coming talks. They did wonderful of course. Mom was especially amazing because she spoke with enthusiasm and energy. Something totally unexpected coming from her frail appearance.
I am amazed at her willingness to go through this trial and do what ever is necessary to get well. She is my hero. :)

1 comment:

Von Orgill said...

Thank you again for keeping us informed! We really appreciate it.

We wish we could have been in the congregation to hear their mission report.

Our prayers continue...for you all!

With much aloha,

Von & Sherri