Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's All Downhill From Here

I am on the downhill slope of the radiation chemo treatments. The time is flying by and our hope is high that the treatments are doing all that they are supposed to be doing. (The treatments have not been bad at all. I have not had nausea not hair loss.) When the treatments are done, they will wait for three weeks then do testing to see if the tumors are shrunk enough and to make sure that it has not spread anywhere else. If all is as we expect it will be, they will schedule surgery. We are encouraged that I will be as good as new in a few months.

Thanks again for your love and support. It boosts my morale to know that you love and care what is happening in my life. I feel the support of the Lord as I go through this challenge. I am so thankful that I know what I know. I feel peace as I turn to Him each day. Thanks, again, for being there.

1 comment:

Von Orgill said...

Aloha Sister Hemenway,

Thank you for the good news! We are so grateful things are progressing in the way they are.

Just know that we pray for you multiple times each day.

May the Lord continue to watch over and bless you and Elder Hemenway.

With much love,

Von & sherri