Saturday, January 9, 2010

Meeting with the Surgeon

We met with the surgeon (Dr Ott) yesterday afternoon. With the wonderful technology we have, we were able to see the results of the PET scan in full color! We could see where the tumor is sitting (it looks larger than I thought it would) and he pointed out that there were probably tumors in the lymph-nodes next to the esophagus.
Some of the things he told us were not all that pleasant to hear. He said 80% of the people with this cancer do not survive. With that said, we have to fall back on what Dr. Whisenant told us, that he fully expects mom to beat this, otherwise, he would not have her go thru all the chemo and radiation.
Dr Ott went over what he expects will happen over the next few months. After her regimen of chemotherapy and radiation, they will wait about 3 weeks. At this time, the tests and scans will be done again to evaluate. If everything looks good they will do surgery a couple of weeks later.
Once again, we were told this would be major surgery but this time we were told why. They will be taking out the esophagus entirely and also part of the stomach. Then they will reconstruct the esophagus using the stomach, connecting all the way up to the neck. She will be in the hospital for at least a week after surgery.
So, that's all we know for now. Mom is going in today and tomorrow for mega doses of antibiotics to treat the pneumonia. The picc line is nice because they can inject the medication directly into the blood stream without poking a needle into her over and over.
As I think of the odds, it can be really depressing, but if we all remember that there are people who survive this and, if anyone can beat this, mom can. Remember, she is the lucky one. She wins every thing! Friends have actually had her hold their tickets in a drawing because the know she's lucky. And, yes, they won! Beating the odds is her specialty so I'm not worried. :)


Kathi said...

My dear sweet sister - I wish I could do this for you. I love you so much and wish there was a way to be by your side not a thousand miles away. I am so glad you have the medical help that you do. My heart and prayers are with you constantly.
Love you more than you know, Kathi

Mom said...


I am so sorry to hear about your challange, but know that the Lord will be with you through it all. You are such an amazing person and have blessed so many lives. I have always thought of you as an example of a truly Christ like person and am so grateful for the time we spent together in Hawaii.

My prayers are with you.

With love,

Bonnie Marshall.

PS. I am serving as a missionary in Budapest Hungary--Center for Young Adults. Following your example of service.

Cyndi said...

Lots of positive energy and prayers being sent your way. Love you! Bob & Cyndi Harris family