Thursday, January 14, 2010


We got mom and dad moved into their bedroom on the main floor. We had several men and young men from the ward over to do all the heavy lifting. They were such a big help; there's no way we could have moved the bedroom furniture downstairs and the bowflex and tread mill upstairs by ourselves. Thank you to all who helped.
Mom's energy seemed much better today than yesterday. She's still tired and weak, but better. That constant drip of Chemo all day every day just zaps the energy. We don't know if that will improve as she gets used to it or not. She continues to go in every day for radiation treatments. Hopefully with the bed moved and the reclining love seat in their room too, she'll be able to find a good position and she'll be able to get a good night's sleep.


Happle_Forever said...

Hope everything will be fine and happiness will stay forever i.n your family

Von Orgill said...

Aloha Val,

Please let your Mom and Dad know that everyone in the BYUH 3rd Stake is praying for them both and for all of you! We love them deeply and will be following their progress on the blog regularly!

There are a lot of people here with great faith, so we trust the Lord's blessings will be poured out in the measure needed!

Please let us know if there is anything else we can do!

With love and aloha,

President Orgill

Emma Harris said...

I have asked about you and the mission many times so Cyndi,(Jessi's Mom) just sent me your blog address. We had served a mission with Earl and Shirley Denos prior to their call to Hawaii, so it was fun to read their monthly updates and also think of you being there. Knowing Brad, Jessi and the boys are on their way to Hawaii today, I share in your disappointment at not being there with them. However, I am so glad you are here getting the treatment you need.
I can relate to the energy, picc line and chemo drip, it is awful but worth it. I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in April 2008, had surgery and six months chemo every two weeks. Needless to say, it was difficult, but so worth it. I have had a good, cancer free year, and look forward to many more.
Our prayers are with you, may you be able to endure the surgery and treatments well and win this battle with the Lord's help. Our thoughts are with you and thank your family for the blog.
Emma (and Bob) Harris