Monday, January 25, 2010

Another big treatment day bites the dust!!!

Today was #2 of 3 of the major doses of chemo. 2 weeks from now will be the last. Time has been flying by and it's hard to believe we are almost 1/2 way done with the chemo and radiation. When we first heard the plan of 5 whole weeks, it seemed like it would be FOREVER.

It was another good day. Last night Mom went on the feeding tube to supplement, just to make sure she is getting enough nutrients. We have seen a little bit of how the treatment has helped shrink the tumor to allow her to eat but the radiation is burning the esophagus which makes it difficult. So she does what she can with big girl food and then uses the feeding tube for the rest.

We had a funny experience tonight as we were watching a thrilling episode of 24 (we are finally all caught up), and Mom wanted some ice cream. Dad was nice enough to dish her up a bowl. She started eating it and all of a sudden her eyes got really big and said that's really cold and was holding out her tongue. The chemo that she had today gives her a sensitivity to cold and since ice cream is frozen, it about sent her through the roof. She still isn't quite use to all of this. We all had a good chuckle at her expense. First thing on our list when this is all over... ICE CREAM PARTY!!!!!

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