Monday, January 11, 2010

First day of Treatment

Yesterday was a really good day. Mom had her energy back; She felt really good. Between the antibiotics and getting her food regulated, she seems like her own self again.
Today she is starting her regimen of chemo and radiation. She is in good spirits and ready to go.
Currently we are moving the furniture around at the house to get their bedroom onto the main floor. It will much easier to be there than climbing the steep stairs every day. We have good help from our wonderful neighbors. They are an awesome support!


quilter said...

Karen,you're one tough bird!!! Hang in there!! You're in our prayers...
Love, Jolene and Marshall

Anonymous said...

Hey Momma Hemenway,

it's been far too long. I saw Greg this past July in AZ. We were ther to visit T-Gen for my wife's battle with cancer. Unfortunately, she lost her battle after 3.5 years. Even though I just walked down this path, I don't know what to say other than a positive attitude and faith can make make the treatments and ordeal better than just bareable. One piece of advice I would like to offer is this, REST!! don't waist your energy on the small, mundain tasks. Save it for the big, special things. You and your family have been such a blessi g to so many, it's now time for you to bless your friends and family in a new way, by allowing them to bless you. If there is anything I caan do (even research on how to manage side effects of treatment - I know the sites and the lingo) let me know: You're on my prayer list and in my heart.

Eric VanZee