Monday, January 18, 2010

The good days continue

Again today mom was able to eat a little bit of regular food. She had her daily visit for radiation and weekly chemo appointment today. She met with both doctors who told her it was next to impossible that she could be eating already. This means the chemo and radiation treatments are working and she seems to be a week ahead of schedule! Actually, I think it's more the prayers of her friends and family are helping the treatments to do their job more efficiently. So, thank you all for your prayers; they really are working so keep them coming!!


storyweaver said...

Dear Karen,
It is so good to hear that you are keeping that wonderful sense of humor! You are remembered with love in my prayers. Keep having those good days. :)

Kent/Sue Adams said...

Dear Karen, Keep up the good work! Also, we thank those who keep up the blog so we can check on you without disturbing you. You are in our prayers. Love, Sue Adams