Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gaining strength

Mom has been doing well, She has been staying healthy and trying to exercise every day. Dr Ott upped her calorie intake last week (adding an additional can per day to go into her feeding tube). He also said it was OK to up the rate so she can get all 7 cans done in just under 16 hours ( it was 16 hours for 6 cans before). She had an appointment with the nutritionalist today and has an appointment to have some iron infused tomorrow. Hopefully this will improve her energy level. I get the impression, knowing she is not allowed to eat anything for a month has taken away some of the pressure. She can allow her body to heal on it's own without feeling she is failing at the healing process because her food isn't staying down.
Dad had his visit with the cardiologist today. Mom and dad both liked him and he put them at ease as far as dad's health is concerned. Dad's cholesterol is a little high (not horrible), so he will be doing things to help that come down. Dad still has to go back for some other tests as well as a stress test.

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