Thursday, March 4, 2010

Preparing for the next few weeks.

Mom has been spending her time preparing some projects so they will be ready for her to work on while she's in the hospital after her surgery. She figures she'll just be sitting there and it will be boring if she doesn't have anything to do. This isn't the first time she's done this. Twenty years ago she had to spend a week in the hospital while they were regulating some heart medication. She took her sewing machine to the hospital and got most of her Christmas projects done.
I'm not sure she'll really be up to doing any projects after this major surgery but she wants to be prepared just in case. :)
Mom had her PET scan today. Afterward her doctor called and asked her to go in for an electro-cardiogram before her appointment next week. He didn't really mention why, but I'm sure he'll let us know when we go to her appointment on
Tuesday. Mom thinks they may have noticed her leaky heart valve on the scan.
Mom is still struggling to eat. It's hard to remember she can't just eat anything she wants anywhere she is. Eating out in crowded and loud places is really difficult. Also, complicated foods are a struggle. She never imagined eating would be such a struggle and it's disappointing that she's not well enough to eat a normal meal. I'm sure it will come in time.

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