Sunday, March 28, 2010

Night before surgery and all through the house...

This week has been a busy one. Mom knew family was coming so she spent most of the week baking and getting food ready for when everyone would be here. It seems kinda silly that the reason everyone is coming is because she's sick, and she is doing all the work, but she has had lots of energy and loving getting things ready for family to come. Saturday, Brad's family arrived in the early morning and Ed's family arrived in the late night. We went from having a fairly quiet house to a house full of grandkids playing and enjoying each other. Of course mom is in heaven having so much family here. If she had her way she would have all 45 of us staying here all together.
Dad gave her a beautiful blessing tonight which reassured us; all will be well. She needs to be at the hospital at 7 am. I'm not sure what time surgery will be, but it is supposed to be 4-6 hours long. She'll then be in intensive care for a few days then into a regular room for a week or so.
She is more than ready to get this part over with. She has has done a great job at getting her body prepared so she can move into this next phase of her recovery. Thank you again for all your prayers in her behalf.

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