Sunday, February 21, 2010

The weekend was fairly uneventful. Friday She ended up going back to the doctor because her temperature was still elevated. They opted to give her some IV fluids. She wasn't totally dehydrated, but they thought getting some extra fluids on board would help. They are having her finish the antibiotics she's on but most likely won't put her on another even if her temp stays elevated. Her docs think the higher temperatures may be from her body fighting the cancer. One even called it "cancer fever". Her energy level remains somewhat low. She remains dependent on the feeding tube but still tries to eat regular food every day. Some days she can eat a whole meal, others, not so much.
She went out with dad yesterday for a frosty from Wendy's and to return all the dishes from our ward family who brought in meals. The meals have been such a blessing. It's only twice a week, but they really seem to ease the burden. Mom isn't used to being the recipient of the charitable acts in the ward. She's always been on the giving end. She feels a little awkward at times being the one in need, but we remind her, she's allowing all those people to receive the same types of blessings she has enjoyed from all those years of service.
Mom was able to attend all of church today. She figures her immune system is as strong as it will ever be through this process so she didn't want to miss the opportunity to go. The home teachers visited this afternoon and mom was able to get another blessing. It is so nice to have the priesthood here in our home as well as willing neighbors and friends to come and help. Thank you for your continued prayers in her behalf. I know she is so appreciative of them and it helps to keep her spirits high and her attitude positive.

1 comment:

Dennis Reber Family said...

Val, thank you for keeping us updated. Karen, we are praying for you here in Sutherlin. Your indominatable spirit continues to shine through even the worst of times.

You may not know that Jack Lott passed away last week. His funeral is today. He has been failing and had alzheimers for the past year or more.

Did you know Reed and Sherrie Finlayson are serving a mission in Dominican Republic? They serve two shifts in the temple each week and work the rest of the time with the institute. They are LOVING it.

Katie, Simpson and family are in St. George. They have another baby boy, Quintin, who is nearly ready to walk. Bethany and Nicholas have made amazing strides academically and seem to have overcome their rocky start in life.

Our prayers are with you in this battle with cancer!

Lynn and Dennis Reber