Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's Out!

Mom had her appointment with Dr. Sausse today (the radiation doctor). She went in armed with her food intake from yesterday and requested that he take the feeding tube out. He said since she had maintained her weight and could drink Ensure, he would take it out. So, he ripped the tape off her face and pulled it out quick and not so painlessly; it seemed a little harsh (he told us it's better just to do it quickly). So, it's out and mom is very happy about it.
Now she just has to make sure she eats a minimum of 1500 calories a day. We were told she should be feeling back to normal in a week or so.
She is still struggling with the elevated temperatures. She finds it spikes more after she eats. She remembered she had the same problem when her knees were replaced. Her temp would go up every time she ate. Kinda weird, but at least she's isolated it to a specific incident. It usually doesn't get over 100.8, so the docs aren't too worried about it right now.
In another week she goes in for the PETT scan with the evaluation the following week.
Over the next couple of weeks, it is essential that she keeps her body healthy so she'll be ready for surgery. She's bound and determined to do that so I'm sure she'll have no trouble.

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