Monday, May 17, 2010

The healing continues

Mom has continued to feel improvement in her health and energy. With her doctor's permission, she has upped the rate of her tube feed so she can get it all done in just under 14 hours instead of 16. Although the tube feeding still takes more than 1/2 of a 24 hour day, she has decided to make it work around her schedule rather than her working around it; It just takes some planning. She was able to attend the temple Saturday night with our ward by starting earlier in the afternoon, unhooking for a few hours, then hooking back up when she got home.
She attended all 3 hours of church yesterday. Although it would probably behoove her to take a nap sometime during the day, she usually doesn't. She has had a difficult time sleeping at night. She can feel that she's tired, but sleep just hasn't come easily. Before she hooked up for the night last night, she went on a walk to the park. When she started these walks, she would have to stop and catch her breath about 1/2 way. When we arrived at the park, she would sit for 15 - 20 min or so before going back home. Now, she walks at a faster rate and doesn't stop for a break at all. In fact, instead of just walking to and from the park she also takes a lap around it as well, making it closer to a mile and a half instead of just a mile.


Von Orgill said...

Aloha Karen,

It is wonderful to hear of the progress despite the continuing challenges. You are displaying such marvelous strength and tenacity.

May the Lord bless you and strengthen you each day.

With love and aloha,

Von & Sherri

oleyfriends said...


I wondered if you had heard of the Oley Foundation. We offer free information and peer support to families like yours with a member on home tube or IV feeding.

Check out our web site at For a good overview, click on the "New to Oley" button.

I especially want to make sure that your mom knows about light weight portable pumps -- they make it a whole lot easier to be mobile while tube feeding.

Feel free to call/email me if you have any questions or would like to meet another family in a similar situation.

Warm regards,
Roslyn Dahl
Oley Foundation Staff Member
(800) 776-OLEY