Saturday, May 1, 2010

Let the eating begin

Mom spoke with Dr. Ott yesterday. He had really hoped to have her go a whole week (not just 4 days) without throwing up before he let her start some foods. That would be Monday. He said he would compromise and gave her the choice of starting on Saturday or Sunday. Now, for a smart doctor, that was a dumb thing to ask, "do you want to start eating on Saturday or Sunday". Mom just laughed at him and chose Saturday!
Of course, if it's not one thing, it's another. Mom woke up early this morning with her feeding tube clogged. We are in the process of "declogging" it. While she's waiting for the "clog buster" to work, she is sipping on some Capri Sun Berry Breeze 100% juice and seems to be enjoying every minute of it. :)
Dad's physical went ok this week. They took lots of blood tests and Doctor Potter gave him a stern talking to about eating properly. From the doctor's office, mom and dad went to the grocery store and dad stocked up on lots of fresh fruits and vegetables so he can have more healthy meals and snacks. So far I've seen him eating grapes and apples as opposed to ice cream and strudels. Of course he forgot to mention his leg. He has another appointment on Tuesday where hopefully the test results will be back. We'll make a list of things to discuss with the doctor.
Dad is off to his spinning class at the gym this morning and mom is getting ready to start her day; we're getting our hair cut and pedicures today so of course it will be a good day.

1 comment:

Von Orgill said...


We are grateful for every small step forward and are excited for each piece of good news. We follow the blog every day and keep you in our prayers several times each day.

We love you,

Von & Sherri