Sunday, May 30, 2010

Progression slow but sure

Today Val fixed fish, squash and rice. What a treat! I was able to eat a little. It tasted wonderful. I really appreciate the ability to eat, even though I am on a soft-food diet. I never appreciated that before, but, it really is a pleasure to have tasty things in my mouth. I still have to be careful not to eat too much at a time. 1/2 to 1 cup of food at a time is about all my stomach will hold at one time, but it is better than not being able to have anything at all. Eventually my stomach will hold more, I hope. I assume that on Tuesday when I call Dr. Ott, he will give me the go-ahead to have a full diet. It seems to have taken a long time, but, as I actually eat, the time is erased and it is as though I have always been able to eat.

I actually went for two weeks without throwing up. That is the first time in a year that I have accomplished that fete. I really am progressing all the time. I feel almost normal, except for having the feeding tube in my abdomen. When that finally comes out, I'm sure that it will be as if it never happened. Our minds are great to erase the caustic feelings...or is it that I am just getting old and the short term memory is the first thing to go?

This Memorial Day Weekend helps me appreciate what so many have done to allow us the freedom we enjoy. We plan to take a little trip to the cemeteries where our loved ones are buried to pay our respect. We have been blessed with so much!

1 comment:

quilter said...

Karen, it has left an lasting impression on my mind and heart as I have followed your blog. My prayers have always been with you and I know that God is with you.

We all miss your smiles at Family Home Evenings, Stake RS meeting, and on campus. They are already talking about the Haunted Lagoon. There is going to be an Asian one in July this year. Keep healing and being the example you always are!! Jolene