Thursday, February 18, 2010

Some improvement

Once the antibiotic started working, mom started feeling a bit better; Her eyes looked so much brighter! Wednesday she saw her doctor again. Mom and dad were able to discuss a few of the concerns they had like mom's inability to keep food down and the intense burning she was experiencing when she laid down. After much thought the doctor asked if she was taking her prilosec. (Mom has taken prilosec every day since she started her treatment). Finally, the doc came to the conclusion that since the prilosec was being taken via the feeding tube (which is what the directions state) it was not getting to the stomach (the feeding tube goes directly to the bowels) and working like it should. So, even though mom was taking the medication as it was prescribed, it was not doing anything. She took it orally last night and low and behold, she had no burning at all last night. And, today, she has been able to eat a substantial amount of food. So, hopefully she's found the answer to help her get rid of her feeding tube!
She's still running a low grade fever off and on. Hopefully by tomorrow that will be solved as well, otherwise it will be back to the doctor to see what else we can do. Like always, there are ups and downs, high points and disappointments, but when all is said and done, it's all about the attitude. Mom continues to keep her spirits up and her expectations high.

1 comment:

Kathi said...

Out look is everything! Sis, when we talk out look, yours is the best. It was so good to spend a few days with are truely my hero. Once again, you are the master teacher. I have never seen anyone deal with anything like this as well as you are. You are so calm even when the struggle is so difficult. Your faith truely lifts mine. What an inspiration you are to me.
Love you more than you know,