Thursday, February 11, 2010

Two treatments to go!

Mom gets the last of her radiation treatments today and tomorrow. The doctors tell her she has tolerated the chemo and radiation really well. Most people don't look better after they've gone thru all she has. Once again, she has chemo dripping into her blood stream 24 hours a day, radiation 5 days a week and a big chemo treatment every other week. With all of this "poison" being administered, one would think she would look worse than ever at the end of treatment. It would be expected that her hair would thin, her mouth would be full of sores, she would have a grey pallor, sunken eyes, etc. But no, her cheeks are rosy and she has a healthy glow. Of course she's a little more worn out than her normal "energizer bunny" self but that's about it. She finally let us in on her secret.
She said, every day before she goes into treatment she talks to her body. She tells her good cells to "put on the whole armor of God" and fight. This way all the chemo and radiation will go only to the bad cells. Now, I post this at the risk of making my mom sound like a crazy woman. But, since she's getting results, we can call her crazy or we can call her amazing. Either way, what she's doing seems to be working. When her blood results come in, the nurses tell her it's unusual that her white cells seem to be thriving. In fact, her good cells even improve; it's just unheard of. Of course she doesn't tell them why. She just smiles like "wow aren't I lucky".
She still would like to eat regular food more but it is difficult. We've decided to try starting her feeding tube earlier in the day and get part of it done in the morning. That way it's not so depressing looking at the clock at the end of the day, knowing it won't be finished until the wee hours of the morning. We look forward to this week ending. Over then next 2 weeks she should be able to add regular food back into her diet with the goal of getting her feeding tube out in 2 weeks.
She so much appreciates your continued prayers for her. She knows they are truly working in her behalf. She would be lost without the Lord's continuing guidance and peace.


Von Orgill said...


We are not at all surprised to hear about your Mom's "secret". It sounds just like her and would surely make a huge difference in the way her body responds to the treatment. What a marvelous lesson for the rest of us! We all need more of that kind of faith!

May the blessings of Heaven continually bless her and all of you!

With continued love and aloha,

Von, Sherri and the BYUH 3rd Stake Family

Jordyn said...

Grandma you are so strong!!! it amazes me how well your going throught it with a postive attitude!! your in my prayers!! I LOVE YOU!!
<3 Jordyn