So, we're back to the cancer center again. If you're wondering what brought us back, let me back up a few months. Of course, we all know mom is a super woman. She broke her hip the end of December, but recovered so quickly, they kicked her out of rehab after just few days. She only used her hot pink crutches for a couple of weeks and then was back to her usual schedule of temple work on the weekends and workouts at the gym during the week.
Around February, she started feeling some pressure in her bladder which felt like a bladder infection. Her doctor, understandably, put her on an antibiotic. The antibiotic didn't seem to do the job so after a week or two she was put on another one. When that one didn't work, she went back and was put on a third and then a fourth antibiotic.
Finally on Saturday, April 16th, after working in the temple all day, the pressure became so uncomfortable, we finally convinced her to let us take her to the emergency room. Of course, the ER doc immediately diagnosed her with a bladder infection, but took a blood test, just to be sure. The blood test came back with no infection showing anywhere. Next he said, it must be kidney stones. Mom told him it didn't feel like the kidney stones she had last year, but he said it sounded like a classic case. He took a CT scan just to make sure. When the results came in, he was very surprised to see there were no kidney stones present. Thankfully there was someone observant reading the CT scan who saw a mass near her tailbone that shouldn't be there. The ER doc advised us to get in to see Dr.Ott (her surgeon) as soon as possible. He was very comforting, reminding us we didn't know what it is was and it could very well be nothing major so we shouldn't lose any sleep over this, but it was something we needed to follow up on.
Our visit with Dr. Ott on Tues (April 19th) basically told us it was a mass but he couldn't tell what it was. He said it would not likely be her esophageal cancer because it was so far removed from her other cancer. He ordered another CT scan and also a biopsy. It may not seem like a big deal to have those things, but, every time she has a procedure like that she has to skip a couple of meals and then has to drink a sickening sweet substance to help the images be more clear. It totally zaps her energy and makes her sick to her stomach the rest of the day. The CT scan was done on Wednesday and the biopsy (done with in conjunction with another CT scan) was done on Friday (April 22nd). We were told we would be able to get results by Monday or Tuesday. Actually, the results weren't back until Thursday afternoon.
The results; this mass was cancerous and it was the same type of cancer as before (Esophageal). Dr. Ott was as surprises as any of us. He scheduled her for a PET scan for Monday, May 2nd (yesterday). The PET scan shows hot spots so we can see where the cancer is and if it had spread. Today we learned the cancer looks like it is contained to that one place. Which is very good news. Her doctors met together this morning and we were able to meet with all three (Dr. Ott (surgeon), Dr. Whisenant (oncologist) and Dr. Sause (radiation) ) this afternoon. The plan of action is this:
Thursday - May 5th -She will have a pic line put in for her chemotherapy 24/7 treatment.
Monday - May 9th (which is her birthday) - she will start her radiation and chemotherapy regimens.
She will continue with these treatments for the next couple of months or so. Then they will reevaluate. As always, she is a trooper and willing to take on yet another fight. Dad is holding up fairly well under the circumstances.
We so much appreciate your thoughts and prayers in her behalf.
Sister Hemenway,it's sad to hear that the cancer come back. I know you will be able to endure this because you are a strong woman, =) and God is always aware of what you are going through.I will keep you in my prayers. Take care and I will keep reading your blog for updates. Get better soon.
We love you mom and are praying for you and to have strength to endure this once again. xoxox
Keep at it. We are sending prayers your way.
Jenn (McCullough) Andersen and of course, the McCullough Family
You are a special women. Heavenly Father will give you strength. We are praying for you. Chuck and Carol Lee
Lots of prayers going your way Karen and Arvel. We are here for you and yours.
The hardest things happen to the strongest people. We will be prayng for you as well.
Julia (Jorgensen)Rogers
We hope and pray, that this will go away....sending heavenly thoughts to you and the family...love from Nancy and Dick Rogers
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